
Welcome to the official website of Baoji Juling drilling and production equipment Co.,Ltd.
PF series drill partial room

PF series drill partial room

  • Product Overview
  • Parameter
  • Presentation
  • Oilfield application

    • Our company specializes in the production of oil drilling rig, gas, diesel generator room, warehouse, barracks and other types of houses.

      The special room body of oil drilling rig produced by our company adopts Humanized design, reasonable structure, strong and durable, flexible and convenient, equipped with complete facilities, spacious, comfortable, beautiful and durable, and has good anti-seismic, sealing, heat, rain, wind, cold protection. Good effect. It effectively improves the working efficiency and quality of life in drilling work.



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    白玉县| 阳城县| 滕州市| 焦作市| 涟水县| 清河县| 云龙县| 石首市| 望奎县| 宝鸡市| 招远市| 聂拉木县| 诸城市| 五家渠市| 长武县| 霍州市| 廉江市| 云南省| 鄂尔多斯市| 蒙自县| 石河子市| 靖江市| 龙游县| 隆回县| 黑龙江省| 顺义区| 定西市| 麦盖提县| 务川| 晴隆县| 砀山县| 永吉县| 同仁县| 雷波县| 望江县| 喀什市| 洛扎县| 平乐县| 白朗县| 大足县| 长寿区|